We meet countless people that find themselves confused or struggling when it comes to organising their finances. Whether it's managing your budget, fighting to keep on top of debt, or confusion when it comes to the investment game, with a few simple key steps, you can find yourself feeling more confident about where you sit with your money.
We've developed a series of four videos that guide you through the areas of budgeting, debt, investing and superannuation, to give you the power to be able to live a richer life.
Looking after your money doesn’t have to be scary. At CommonCents we love helping people improve their relationship with money because, we know, a good financial plan enhances their overall wellbeing.

“Only 20% of money success is what you know, the remaining 80% is what you do."

“It concerns me that financial stress can lead to divorce, broken families, depression and worse."
Investing (2 Parts)
We consider investing to be a huge significance to the success of your finances, so we decided to break it up into two parts.
One of the fundamental things that every investor needs to know when it comes to investing, is that you can't choose economic weather - much like a farmer on the land expects sooner or later to be bad weather.
In our first pillar of finance, we offer 3 key insights we call The 3 P's...
Superannuation (2 Parts)
Whether you're in your late 20s or well into your 60s, super is one of those things we all have to think about sooner or later.
The most common thread we see is that most people either worry too much about not having enough super for when they retire, or they don't realise what they could be doing to help their super for the future.
A failing budget has little to do with a lack of income and much more to do with a lack of clear goals and communication.
The cold hard fact is that most Australians struggle with their budgets - but we're here to help. In this fourth pillar of finance, we give 3 easy steps to gaining an advantage on your budget.
There's a saying that we don't put slaves in chains in the 21st century... we put them in debt. Is this you or somebody close to you that you know?
Getting a handle on debt is perhaps one the most important things you can do to have success in your finance.
So here's a few tips and tricks to help you stay on top of the nasty red..